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Thursday 4 August 2011

Prolonging the indisposed processes...

Recently been dealing with all sort of predicaments...
I am really tired at this moment, I could hardly breathe and I wish I could draw in a smooth gulp of air to my instinctive characteristics on behalf of my concentration on studies throughout the unbounded days of incessantly.
I used to think in this way, perhaps I have a strong self-possessed trait and it has been devoured from part of my thoughts. Most of the time I might be taking things for granted and sometimes I could barely feel or be connected with other’s feelings while in an occasional phenomenon or any events. It doesn’t matter anyway, sooner or later we will be detached by our own selections, or perhaps there might be an objective in anticipation of one’s inclination that drives a great desire towards our goal, an ornamental decoration by its whimsical beliefs... possibly...

Time flies and I couldn’t believe two years has passed since the day when I was looking up information via internet for several courses and of course, a good uni/col is definitely important for a student during their studies. Everything begins from two years ago and in reality everything has changed, perhaps the changes around me had convincingly emphasized the existence of matureness among my companions and I believe the dissimilar entities for every variations could turn out to be an unconventional scene for everyone.. or maybe... it’s time to let off the past.
Greater part of the stories does not ordain to be ostracized an ending in such a way. It should be prescribed in a prodigious, influential or a decent setting rather than an old mythical anecdote. It’s nearly 2 months I have not been blogging and in the same time, mellifluous memories from the past had indecorously strained and the feelings surrounded me could divulge _ _ as if I’m being endorsed by James dean. In recent times there are too many incidents for me to put in writing or to correspond with numerous nostalgias.

would recommend everyone to click the play button on below.. What a beautiful song from BeyoncĂ© latest album – 4, Title of the song ‘Rather Die Young’. I found this song by watching a youtube clip – BeyoncĂ©’s Year of 4, the video was correlated to her works (4 album), her personal life and how she manage herself to be a humble and successful person while she’s encountering with her huge career in music industry. The length of the video is quite long actually, but it was nice as the documentary merge in most of the nice songs (chorus part) from her new album and she remained to be as gorgeous and elegant as she used to be. From my first impression, this song prominently impart the sense of… an outstanding atmosphere where both divas – Mariah and Alicia keys’ genre is stir together and the feelings towards my sensitivity is definitely unique.. It’s so addictive…

Undoubtedly you’re the one I care for and a single call of yours could precipitously turn my mood on the spur without further fluctuations.. I am so inured to your perceives, ever since it had been an “exquisite hallucination” for me to live on, in every single seconds, minutes nor hours possibly will impinge on the contemporary ‘me’ on my emotional and spiritually acceptances… Will be continued.

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